
Import this plugin to your Unity project

Now you could build and run application to test. But please read all documentation!


Create IOSNotification With Code

Schedule simple notification

The package contains code samples in Assets/Area730/Notifications/Examples/Scripts folder. Also you can build and run example scene Assets/Area730/Notifications/IOS/Examples to test notification.

The notifications are created using IOSNotificationBuilder class. Its constructor takes 3 arguments - id of the notification, title and notification text.

Next example example shows how to schedule the notification that will be shown immediately:

int id          = 1;
string title    = "Notification titile";
string body     = "Notification body";

IOSNotificationBuilder builder = new IOSNotificationBuilder (id, title, body);

Schedule delayed notifications

If you want to set delay - call builder.setDelay(int milliseconds) or builder.setDelay(System.TimeSpan delayTime). The next example shows how to create a notification that will be shown in one hour:

int id          = 1;
string title    = "Notification titile";
string body     = "Notification body";

// Show notification in one hour
TimeSpan delay  = new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0);

IOSNotificationBuilder builder = new IOSNotificationBuilder (id, title, body);


Repeating notifications

To set repeating notification you should set notification as repeating and set the time interval. According to Apple documntaion it is allowed to repeat notification every:

  1. Minute
  2. Hour
  3. Day
  4. Month
  5. Year
int id          = 1;
string title    = "Notification titile";
string body     = "Notification body";

// Show notification in one hour
IOSNotificationBuilder builder = new IOSNotificationBuilder (id, title, body);


Set Up Badge Number

int id          = 1;
string title    = "Notification titile";
string body     = "Notification body";

// Show notification in one hour
IOSNotificationBuilder builder = new IOSNotificationBuilder (id, title, body);


Settings custom sound

Now its supported only wav format sound notification. Next section show how to use custom sound for notification

IOSNotificationBuilder builder = new IOSNotificationBuilder (id, title, body);
builder.setSound("notification_sound");//without wav extention


*Important When you set up sound via script please add source file to the xCode project into *Data/Raw folder manually.* If you change audioclips via Editor please check Assets/StreamingAssets and Assets/Plugins/IOS/Notifications folders to delete old clips.

Cancel notification by id (both repeating and one-time)

//cancel notification with id 7

Cancel all notification

//cancel all notification

Clear shown notifications


Updating notifications

To update one-time or repeating notification, schedule a notification with updated data and with ID of the notification you want to update.

Show IOS toast notification

IOSNotifications.showToast("Download completed");

Create IOSNotification With Visual Tool


To open visual tool to create notification go to Window->IOS Local Notification

Next example shows scheduling of the notification created in editor with name notificationOne

string notificationName = "notificationOne";

// Method returns builder so you can config your notification afterwards if you want
IOSNotificationBuilder builder = IOSNotifications.GetNotificationBuilderByName(notificationName);

// If notification with specified name doesn't exist builder will be null
if (builder != null)
    IOSNotification notif =;

Push Notification with OneSignal integration

Add CrossPlatformPushNotificationController.cs to some object in your scene and paste id from created application in onesignal. For more information go here

Modifying plugin

All native source code is holding in Assets/Plugins/IOS/Notifications


All classes are located in Area730.Notifications.IOS namespace

Example scene with sample code is included in the package (Assets/Area730/Notifications/Examples)